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a Christian, wife of 39 Years, Mother, grandma of 10, retired R.N., love to vacation,swim, play with Grandkids, drawing,painting, mixed media,Home Arts, inspirational Journaling.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

To blog or not to blog....that is the question.

I feel like I'm coming to an end of My blogging, for a few reasons. To blog or not, I've been asking Myself this for a while.Do I have anything more to say,haven't I said it all and expressed Myself to the fullest in these 6 Years ? Yes, I have become more or less a pen pal to many kindred spirits. Meeting kindred spirits was the reason I started 6 years ago. I have accomplished My beginning  purpose.I feel I now know several women who think as I think and have "met" these fun ,sweet ladies even though just through blogging.I have lost many followers over the last few months and I get a lot less views also.I've been thinking ...should I change My blog?Talk about other subjects? narrow My subjects down?

Thinking thinking thinking.........that's Me. Blessings to all Denise


Little Miss Titch said...

what ever you decide to do we are sure it will be the best thing for you,xx Speedy and Rachel

KathyB. said...

I blog because I enjoy it. I blog about what I want to write about too, because it is MY blog. I also publish my blog every year and am glad I kept blogging even when I felt like quitting. If I blogged for numbers I would have probably quit blogging a few years ago, and changing what I write about has not occurred to me because I blog to express myself, talk about my day, etc., ( probably why my numbers don't go up ! )

When I re-read my published blog I am so thankful I kept it up. I have also noticed my grandchildren love to read my blog books and this makes blogging even more special to me because my day to day activities and events matter to my family and even some of my friends.

Fortunately for me, I do not require blogging to bring in an income allowing me the luxury and pleasure of blogging when I want to about what I want to. Another good thing about blogging is that it has allowed me to be a virtual "pen pal" with so many amazing women all over the country and beyond.

I hope you make the best decision for yourself blogging sister !

Susan said...

Hi Denise....I had to chuckle when I read your post today because I've been wondering about the exact same thing. My readership has gone down in the past few months and the worst thought is, I don't want to waste the time of others. I no longer blog 7 days a week. It's about every other day now. It is still a joy to me to see share parts of my life so I'm not ready to throw in the blog towel completely must yet. I guess what it finally boils down to is that you, and only you, (and me), are the only ones who can make the final choice. I always loving coming to see you and love when you stop by, as well, but I will certainly support any decision that you make. Most sincerely, Susan

The BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY said...

Hello Dear Magical Friend!! :-)
I myself have been blogging less, sometimes going through dry spells, (and dealing with extreme joint and neck pain) But I am connected to this "life line" of dear blogging friends and so thankful for you and all!! :-)
((Google stripped and cleaned followers from all bloggers, and it effected a lot of people))
I always love to drop by to visit you here, it is a magical sweet place !!
Sending Love, Warmth, Joy and many BLESSINGS XX OO Linnie

The Bear's Blog said...

Hi Auntie Denise,

Losing followers is because of the Google Friend thingy - everyone that we know has lost followers, some just a few (us) and others quite a number.

We Blog just 'cause we like it, and it's fun even if we make just one person smile and forget just for a moment whatever they are going through. That's opinion, and let's face facts - who listens to a fiber filled, bent knee old teddy bear? Giggle. I keep telling Mom to stop looking at the Stats.......that's not what it's all about.

Don't leave.

Heaps of Hugs

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Denise,
I think that many of the long time bloggers, including myself have asked ourselves this question. I am feeling like you. My followers are down,due to the changes that Google has made to Blogger and I'm not seeing the number of comments that I used to receive. I think that some of this is due to the various types of social media that doesn't take as much effort as a Blog. I'm promoting my shop space and Etsy on FB and it's much easier to post. I don't blog as much as I used to and sometimes I post only once a month.
It's sad to part with our blogs because as you said we have made so many friends and are a part of a close knit community of Bloggers. Hard to let go. And so many of my long time blogging friends have stopped posting.

Best wishes to you and mmay you make the right decision for YOU!


Miss Merry said...

I think alot of us feel as you do. Do you read An Old Fashioned World with Rue, her second to last post touched on the changes in blogging over the last few years. Lots of blogs have either stopped or changed to big money decorating to get more hits and earn revenue. It is not the same "friend" community that it once was.

I do not blog often anymore. And have changed my posts to less tablesetting (what I started my blog doing) and more just slices of life. Way less traffic and posts, but I am writing for me, I think.

I did not blog for almost a year and came back to it. But I never took down my blog. I have an old fashioned blog roll and like to stop in and read posts of some of the oldies and goodies. :)

Here is a link to Rue: http://anoldfashionedworld.blogspot.com/2016/02/posting-and-commenting.html

Stephanie said...

Sweet Denise, please know that you will be in my prayers as you consider what you would like to do. I remember when I first came across your blog...it was when I was a "newbie" blogger :)

You have always been so kind and loving. I would certainly miss you if you were to stop. I know you will come to the right decision with the Lord's leading. Thinking of you, dear friend. Love and hugs!

jinxxxygirl said...

Denise you do know why you have lost followers don't you?? They are not leaving you on purpose. The settings have been changed and now for them to be able to follow your blog they have to join Google. This was announced a little while ago that Google was making this change.

I say...blog if you want to blog...write about what you want to write about.. Make your blog enjoyable to you then you will be more apt to make posts... My blogging has evolved over the years... and every so often i go thru this period of 'Do i want to keep blogging' .. I have said 'farewell' on my blog a few times only to come back a few months later... So now i know myself a little better and i don't quit blogging...i just go with the flow... Sometimes i'm really feeling it and i'll blog several times in one week , sometimes i'm not and i might post once or twice a month for awhile...Hey... its whatever makes you happy... I just got tired of quitting and then a few months later i come back and say..'just kidding'...lol Hugs! deb

Lady Linda said...

Well dear blogger (and MORE) friend...I have to agree with some of those who left you a comment on this topic. It is a personal choice! I blog because I can't keep a paper journal and I like to record my life and the pix of my life. It's fun for me. Sometimes, I don't get any comments and you know, that's ok. I didn't blog too much last year, but feel like having fun with it this year. It goes that way.
I would miss you greatly. I check almost every week to see if you have a new post up. I will keep writing and in contact with you, no matter what you decide. I won't let you go!!!!
I will respect your decision. Much love,

doodles n daydreams said...

I'm sure you will make the right decision Denise. I have enjoyed your blog since I came across it, but you need to do what is right for you.


Denise said...

I love you, and your blog.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Denise, I love your blog but I understand you're thoughts. I am in the same place. Thinking what's next and to blog or not. I wish I had the answer. I need one too. xo

One of my favourite songs that makes me realise God’s always around. — Dancing with God, Verse 1: You dance over me While I am unaware, You sing all around But I never hear the sound, Chorus: Lord, I’m amazed by You Lord, I’m amazed by You Lord, I’m amazed by You How You love me Verse 2: You paint the moring sky With miracles in mind, My hope will always stand, For You hold me in Your hand.