About Me

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a Christian, wife of 39 Years, Mother, grandma of 10, retired R.N., love to vacation,swim, play with Grandkids, drawing,painting, mixed media,Home Arts, inspirational Journaling.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Mommy and Gracie Show......... Play and review Toys and Dolls.

Ever After High, Monster High ( only pretty non evil looking ones), Bratz, Moxie, Fashion Barbie and the list goes on.

As a few of You know,for many years I have collected baby and toddler dolls that look like My family.A few months ago I joined a doll club and also started following... The Mommy and Gracie show(toy and doll reviewers) on Youtube, You can guess what happened. My little "Coffeeberry Cottage" can't hold an indefinite number of dolls so I enjoy the fashion dolls and other girl toys for a while then give  them to My two youngest Granddaughters.Yes, I have 10 Grandchildren ,7 boys and 3 girls, the girls are 2, 9 and 23. Once I became a regular follower of Mommy and Gracie Show I became engrossed and enchanted with so many of the new dolls and toys of this new generation.Later I'll do a post on My new collection of Mini Lalaloopsies. I need a doll house though to keep them high on the wall so My dogs won't eat them.My dogs keep eating all the tiny toys in  My Blind Bags and Shopkins.  I've been telling My family these tinies are for My baby Granddaughter,but I think You all know it's because I'm hooked. These three below have My vote this Year as wonderful Girl  Christmas gifts.....Snow Kissed Bratz dolls, sold separately.Reanna My 9 Year old GD is getting these from Gram and Gramps.Shhh ,it's a secret.Thank You for dropping by and listening about My second Childhood.I love getting comments and new friend followers. Hugs and blessings-Denise


NanaDiana said...

I am finally back to visiting and blogging. You are getting quite a collection there. I collect china...lol...for my "grandgirls" someday...lol xo Diana

Denise said...

awesome dolls, love you

Palomasea said...

Hello dear Denise! How lovely it was to see a message from you, thank you so much...
I have been very inconsistent with blogging, but I certainly don't want to leave it.

And I love this post, because I am reminded of the hours upon hours my sweet daughter played with these dolls when she was younger.
My mom adored dolls, and I do think that many tinmes she gifted them so she could play too... :)
Love YOUR playfulness...what a blessing that you have so many darling grandkids...
Love and Blessings,
~ Irina

Lady Linda said...

Oh oh...dolly delight. I love it! I will have to visit the link...maybe I shouldn't!

Anonymous said...

Hi Denise and it's so nice to hear from you! OH, sounds like you've quite the collection of dolls! I love it. I've been making American Girl doll clothes for my little granddaughter. I guess I've never grown up! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Queen Marcheline said...

You are NEVER too old for dolls, I firmly believe that! ;-) and I should know for I am the antique doll Queen of Royal Doll Town. Please pay me a visit. With Royalest Regards Queen Marcheline :-)

One of my favourite songs that makes me realise God’s always around. — Dancing with God, Verse 1: You dance over me While I am unaware, You sing all around But I never hear the sound, Chorus: Lord, I’m amazed by You Lord, I’m amazed by You Lord, I’m amazed by You How You love me Verse 2: You paint the moring sky With miracles in mind, My hope will always stand, For You hold me in Your hand.