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a Christian, wife of 39 Years, Mother, grandma of 10, retired R.N., love to vacation,swim, play with Grandkids, drawing,painting, mixed media,Home Arts, inspirational Journaling.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Amazing Grace played on Irish Tin Whistle

 Today is My 63rd birthday and  this is how I'm feeling right now.Grace has been given to Me. He called My name when I was an iddy biddy girl.How much more should I ever ask for. This I need to remind Myself daily Love Denise


Southhamsdarling said...

Lovely little post Denise. You're a mere spring chicken ! Blessings to you.

Terra said...

Happy birthday and have a grace filled September.

Denise said...

happy, happy birthday sweet friend. on the day you were born, the angels danced for joy. I love you very much, cannot wait to dance with you in heaven one day. congrats on winning a spot, you go girl. enjoy your birthday.

Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Birthday, Denise. I've never heard Amazing Grace played on an Irish whistle, it sounds beautiful. I hope your birthday was as special as you are.


One of my favourite songs that makes me realise God’s always around. — Dancing with God, Verse 1: You dance over me While I am unaware, You sing all around But I never hear the sound, Chorus: Lord, I’m amazed by You Lord, I’m amazed by You Lord, I’m amazed by You How You love me Verse 2: You paint the moring sky With miracles in mind, My hope will always stand, For You hold me in Your hand.