My birthday in the Shire and birthday giveaway to You from Me.

Please join these friends and come to My birthday festival.It will be held in the Shire right past the Fairy Forest.
We will have the party procession together starting at sunset.Thank You for helping Me celebrate 161 years.

There will be a few of My favorite Men acting as guards and guides along the procession through the early evening in the forest .

As night falls We will arrive at the Great Tree Hall for the night's festival. Your babies and children will be well cared for by My nannies....
Here We are, come inside and have a bite to eat as You enjoy the music of the whistle and flute.........
Or You might want to join the group of ladies outside on the hilltop where

the night festival of dancing to our Lord God is taking place.Tea and breakfast will be served through the night.
As dawn breaks and I say My goodbyes a gift will be given.

Thank you for sweetly joining Me and helping Me celebrate My birthday :) If You kindly leave a comment and of course,I would love You to follow Me.I will have a drawing in a week or so for a gift of Tea Goodies and of various delightful ephemera Blessings to each visitor..................Love Denise

Happy Happy Birthday! What an enchanting and delightful post this is. You know how much I love Fairies!! I hope your day is filled with everything good and you have fun doing all the things you love.
From one fairy to another,
Oh, I just bought a white owl, and love it so. This picture is grand.
Happy Birthday Denise!! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hugs, Kim
Denise, Is today (Sept 18) your birthday? It is mine, too! Not much of a celebration here. My husband came home from work at 3:30 yesterday afternoon, got called in at 6:00 p.m. for a 10" water line break and didn't get home until 3:00 a.m. Then had to go back in at 6:30 a.m. today. He is exhausted! Hope you have a wonderful birthday! Miss Merry
I am so happy to be sharing in with your birthday celebrations dear Denise. What a lovely treat it was - such sweet little photos today. I was a bit bemused to think that you were celebrating 161 years! Surely that can/t be true?! If it is true, then the fairies have truly looked after you very well!! Happy Birthday my friend.
Happy Birthday!! Hoping your special day is great!
Always, Queenie
Happy Birthday, Denise! Guess what? September is my birthday month, too! Hope each day for the rest of the month is super! Susan
Have a very beautifully blessed birthday my friend. So glad you were born, love you.
What a delightful post, sweet Denise! Happy Birthday to you, dear friend. Hugs and blessings!
HI sweet friend, just getting back to blogging! Happy Birthday...such a clever way to celebrate. Hugs to you.
Oh so sorry I missed the party,but a very Happy Belated Birthday dear heart...looks like it was a blessed event :)
I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date....but Happy Birthday anyway!!! I will be having one next month, hope it will be as fun as yours!!!
I wanted to answer your question....No, my mom didn't go to Egypt by herself. She went with her sister and son-in-law. My dad passed away a few years earlier and she would have loved to have gone with him, but she had a great time. Thank you for asking.
Happy birthday Denise, I enjoyed visiting your party, with lights glowing in the woods and the white owl.
Happy Enchanting Birthday Denise!
Happy Birthday!! What a great post!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
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