Silence of September

An outing all by Yourself,in the silence of Sept. Do You agree? If Your a teacher I guess not -teehee-but You have other joys in Sept.The excitement
First day back to school |
in our child's face on the first day of School I suppose. As a Mother of four grown Daughters I always remember days long ago in September of the silence.After dropping them off I would start the new school year out with a new journal and a fresh personal Bible study.A trip to My favorite boutiques,coffee shops,antique shops,all the places I longed to go for silence during the Summer.The scramble for more school clothes done and over with.Several hours to Myself was a time of silent reflection of My walk with God and His blessings to Me,some of which were a cleaned up home,a busy loving Husband now at work, a kitchen smelling of cinnamon and clean fixed up kids sitting in there quiet classroom-Oh The silence of September.
Our baby ready for fall. |
What a beautiful post! I too remember those days of my three going to school. Now I call and listen to my grand kids telling me about their first days.
Have a wonderful weekend
My home has been a bit to silent this thought I would say that. The grands found other places to be this summer,with friends,etc. They are getting to that age. With even my baby grand turning four at the end of the month oh,but he seems to think he is as big as everyone else..he is far from a baby.
When they come here they are all still my babies :) I pray your September is lovely and blessed for you and yours. I just can't wait for the weather to change...its been so hot.
That must be one of your daughters and her little one..Very lovely..and the wee one at the end?
Priceless too.
My sweet Denise! HELLO! I meant to get back to you the other day, but I have truly been busy with school preparations! I think a silent September is in order for me. Given that school is really going to take a toll on my schedule, I just may take a break!
Thank you so much my dear for coming to visit me! Anita
I, too, remember the days when the kids went back to school. I'm sure there are many moms in the coming week who will share your sentiments.
Mary Alice
Such a nice post.
I was just telling Ted last night how I'm going through the week of anxiety before the kids go off to school. It's such a mixture of emotions. Relief, that they'll be getting back into a schedule and able to see their friends. Sadness that they're growing so fast. Excitement that I get to spend some time alone. Sadness that I spend A LOT of time alone. Motivation to get the house back in order and even maybe start exercising again? Sadness that my kids won't be with me all day. Fun of going out and getting to do stuff by myself - having the ability to think. Sadness that they won't be with me. See a theme here?!
I have three grown kids myself, so I know what you're saying here. It was a time to reflect, pray, and think when the little ones went off to school.
This tea cup is adorable, and am wondering where you got it from?
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