About Me

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a Christian, wife of 39 Years, Mother, grandma of 10, retired R.N., love to vacation,swim, play with Grandkids, drawing,painting, mixed media,Home Arts, inspirational Journaling.

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Monday Monday, Can't trust that day."Now I can ; D

The MAMA'S and PAPA's sang to us of what Monday's could be like.No,I don't remember all the words by heart,but I remember the feel-blue Mondays ,if I remember right?Yes, I've had that blue Monday feeling many times.In the 50s not wanting to leave the comforts of My parents home.Not wanting to get in that school dress.

    Busy days away from Mom.
Then High School....Oh dear !Was I as pretty as all the other "Popular Girls."Could I stay in that higher group of pretties the whole time or would I fad out any day now?Good Ol' Whittier High.

Nursing school and College..... exciting, but Oh the work and... "Please Lord help Me make it through these test." Then Finally,I found out what it meant to get up every morning at 5:15 am with the alarm and pray in the car on the freeway"Dear Lord,Help Me retain all that you taught Me,bring it to mind at the right time-PLEASE- don't let Me kill anyone today,Amen."Every day ! Are you young ladies sure you really want to be a nurse?

Then helping My children go through the same things....
AAAHHH -The later years, retirement!What a Joy.. .....new laughter, new color,new joys every Monday.Listen to the birds... watch the dolphins play....kiss My new Grandbabies.Kiss My Paul while the Lord allows -Thank You Lord God for all My later year Mondays to come.


SmilingSally said...

Hi Denise,

Please place a link to Blue Monday on your post and return to link in again to Mr. Linky. You can find the code when you click on the blue bird located in my sidebar.



Celestina Marie said...

Hi Denise,
What a wonderful reflection of Mondays and your life. I can so relate to this and remember on a Sunday night starting to feel that long lonely Monday feeling the night before. Once I got to school and with friends, all was okay, but every Monday was the same at first.
Loved your pics and remembrances. So glad you are enjoying retirement and the joys and blessings the GOOD LORD has given you.

Sending Big hugs this Monday.
XO Celestina Marie
p.s. thank you for stopping by and your kind comment.

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi Denise: Love the pictures and the sweet post. Praise the Lord, we still have Monday's in us! I too am thankful! Hugs, Martha

Unknown said...

This was a really cool post Denise. From the heart, spoken by a women who has been there and done that. I love the line about kissing Paul...there is such beauty in this post straight from the heart.

Love to you, I'm so happy I found my "favorites" list. I have no idea where, why and how my blog went belly up to the wind but I found it again. Still trying to figure out Google Chrome but I like it.

Kara's wedding shower is coming this Sunday and I'm planning games and food, we have invited 31 guest so I'll be busy this week.

Len and I are going to Oregon in July, we need a rest so bad, we are both over the top tired.

I need to sit one day and write you! Much love to you both,

momto8 said...

a beautiful post!!

One of my favourite songs that makes me realise God’s always around. — Dancing with God, Verse 1: You dance over me While I am unaware, You sing all around But I never hear the sound, Chorus: Lord, I’m amazed by You Lord, I’m amazed by You Lord, I’m amazed by You How You love me Verse 2: You paint the moring sky With miracles in mind, My hope will always stand, For You hold me in Your hand.