About Me

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a Christian, wife of 39 Years, Mother, grandma of 10, retired R.N., love to vacation,swim, play with Grandkids, drawing,painting, mixed media,Home Arts, inspirational Journaling.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

were hibernating

Baby it's cold outside,even in my tiny hobbit home.


priest's wife - S.T./ Anne Boyd said...

I like the phrase 'hobbit home'- I think I'll use it (our house is small) to stay positive! :)

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

I live in one of those too! I am in a 2 bedroom rented trailer and although it is small it is filled with much love and happiness so it seems larger!
Have a wonderful and warm evening Denise...
Tina xo

Melanie {The Tiny Tudor} said...

You must have lots of snow too. Hope you're staying warm and cozy inside. I plan on making Valentine's cards this wekend and going out as little as possible.

One of my favourite songs that makes me realise God’s always around. — Dancing with God, Verse 1: You dance over me While I am unaware, You sing all around But I never hear the sound, Chorus: Lord, I’m amazed by You Lord, I’m amazed by You Lord, I’m amazed by You How You love me Verse 2: You paint the moring sky With miracles in mind, My hope will always stand, For You hold me in Your hand.